
Sudamerico releases regularly free data visualizations related to South America, to help you improve your business decisions in the region. We focus on South American countries, their imports, exports, economic or cultural environment, etc.

Feel free to contact us if you want us to focus on a specific topic!

2019 Latin America foreign trade

2019 Latin America foreign trade.

This visualization allows you to visualize the segmentation of Latin American imports and exports, by product or partner. You can compare Latin American foreign trade with each country of the region. This allows you to quickly see trade patterns for these countries.

The visualization has been made with Tableau Public, based on the comtrade data (United Nations).


Mercosur trade agreements

It is all over the news: The EU has concluded a trade agreement with the four founding members of Mercosur: Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. But this is not the only trade agreement that Mercosur is negotiating. The following map shows all the Mercosur trade agreements ongoing and in negotiation.

In 2019  agreements are in force with the following countries: Israel, […]

Discover our new country imports and exports profiles

We launched in July a new business intelligence tool: the Country Imports and Exports Profiles. These fact sheets synthetise all the information you need to know about a country exports or imports. They are mainly based on United Nations trade data and customs data of each country.

These country profiles are available in french, english and spanish and are available for […]

Influence of China and USA in Latin America

This visualization highlights the evolution of the LATAM imports of goods from USA and China since 1998.

It clearly shows that USA, who was responsible for 48% of the imports in 1998, has seen its influence decrease over the years: Latin America imports now only 33% of its goods from USA.

On the other hand, China has seen its share increase from […]